Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hello! Thank you for reading the first post this is part two of my Life's Work

Hello and welcome to part two of My Life's Work i hope you enjoy it as much as i have throughout the years.

picking up from Entry 2.)

Entry 3) Title: Parabola, not from tool thank you!!

Cyclical kinetic energy flows in a specific path, This path of circuitry in which our energy travels can be broken but seldom removed. Such as losing a limb or a of part brain tissue.
The item in question may be missing but still feels as if it where there. Emotions are the exception to this rule for they are an effect within themselves, Separate from our trafficked
chain sitting atop the crown of moral ideation the very foundation of our interaction with the world, everyone and everything in it as well.

Entry 4) Title: Sustainance

As this mood drips and reverberates within the walls of a battered psyche,
creativity sprawls in a futile attempt to make sense of its surroundings,

Backwards and upside down the poetic equilibrium gently balances to form an even keel,

To kneel upon the effervescent tomb of the once beautifully talented,

Once a swirling disease filled cesspool of undeserving servants of time,

Glass caskets ping at the sound of malice echoing on deaf ears,

Cancer filled pharmaceuticals crammed down dry esophagus.

Entry 5) Title: Glows Softly

Why Dost thou condone such selfless destruction?

Thine eyes doth shine in the night aloft quivering darkness.

Thou shalt kneel when the betrayal comes to pass.

This deafening scream pierces the fog lit night hallowing this creature know as man and his terrible plight.


I had been in a precarious situation for as long as i remember and writing as such was a way to alleviate my inner stress, to be honest with you i never can recall when i began to write! i always seem to be in a miserable state of mind regardless of how my mood is or where i am at in life a very troubling demeanor for me to have at all times.